2 Sep 2024

Yes, it’s *totally* possible to be more financially productive right now! Here are five easy things you can do that will improve your financial wellbeing. 

Being a more financially productive human doesn’t have to be confusing or time-consuming. Here are five things you can do right now to improve your financial wellbeing that future You will be thankful for.

1. Track your spending

And your earnings. But your spending is more important for most people. Not only should you have a monthly budget that leaves some money over for random spending, but you should still keep track of it. Create a spreadsheet to fill this in monthly for a holistic overview.  

2. Make saving automatic

Everyone should have a savings account. This can serve as an emergency fund or go towards bigger expenses, such as property or a vehicle. Set up a debit order that takes money from your regular account and goes to your savings so you don’t have to think about it.

3. Open an investment portfolio

Unless you’re a finance buff, this should be done with a registered financial advisor. They won’t tell you what to do but will recommend how to split your investment in a way that is risk-free so you can grow your money safely. And you don’t have to have a lot to get started!

4. Save where you can

Look for as many opportunities as you can to save money when you shop. The best and easiest way to do this is to sign up for loyalty programmes for grocery stores or medical spas where you can earn points that give you cash back or free products or treatments. 

5. Cancel unnecessary expenses

Be honest with yourself: Are you really ever going to make use of your gym contract? Or do you not use enough airtime and data to have an expensive cellphone account? Go through all your bills and subscriptions and cancel things you no longer need or use. Bye, Felicia!