1 Jul 2024

We should all be playing our part in helping to preserve the planet by leading more sustainable lives. Here are 7 easy ways to do it. 

We all know by now that the planet is not in great condition. Humans are also the ones responsible for this and, as such, it’s up to us to do what we can to salvage Mother Earth. This can be done by making some small changes to your life so that you live more sustainably.

Here are eight easy switches to make (some of which will also help you to save money. Ka-ching!)

#1: Cook in bulk. Yes, we all love takeaways, but it’s best to cook your meals at home as much as possible and to make enough to last a few days. Buying bulk ingredients often works out cheaper, too. 

#2: Unplug your devices. Did you know that even when your laptop or phone is finished charging, they can still be draining energy if you leave them plugged into the sockets? Unplug yours or switch it off at the wall.

#3: Opt for paperless. Many banks and even the municipality have an option where you can choose to have your accounts sent to you via email instead of sent via post. Do this with as many accounts as possible.

#4: Get into thrifting. Not only can you save loads of cash by buying gently-used clothing and furniture but you can also score some one-of-a-kind vintage statement pieces for your home or wardrobe. Yes, please!

#5: Eat less meat. The more meat we consume, the more of a negative impact it has on the environment. A few nights a week, try to switch out a meat-filled dish by cooking something vegetarian, instead. 

#6: Start recycling items. Recycling might seem like major effort but it’s really not. Just separate paper, plastic and glass and take it to your local dump, many of which have a recycling facility on site. 

#7: Repair, not replace. Many people are quick to chuck broken gadgets and items and replace them with new ones. Be more sustainable by taking them for repairs so that they function and look like new.