22 Apr 2024

Do you want to make moves in your career? Upskilling yourself can help. And here are six free courses to help you do it.

Whether you want to grow within your current company, are looking for a new gig or want to embark on a completely new career path, upskilling yourself makes you a better candidate and better worker. Here are six free online courses that will expand your skill set for even more opportunities. 

1. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Google

This course gives a holistic overview of the world of digital marketing and how to succeed at it. Plus, when you’re done, you can add your digital certificate to your professional social media profiles for prospective employers to see. 

2. Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets by Coursera

This course has been developed by the University of Cape Town. In it, students who are interested in the Fintech world will learn how to find and address needs to create innovative and user-centric product offerings. 

3. Harnessing AI in Marketing and Communication by FutureLearn

We all know that AI is the next big thing so it’s a good idea to do a free course that informs you on how it works and the endless possibilities that are available by harnessing this new technology. 

4. Building Resilience as a Leader by LinkedIn Learning

If you’re a boss babe who sometimes struggles with imposter syndrome and having to be assertive, this one’s for you. It also gives you the tools to navigate difficult positions leaders are often in so that they can thrive. 

5. How to Start a Podcast by Udemy

To be honest, this website has just about any course you could imagine available for free. Many of them can help you to level-up your productivity but there are also loads for people looking to go in a new direction, too. 

6. Learn HTML by Codecademy_

This course is just one of many you can do with this international organisation which can take you from the basics to more complicated coding. This skill is very much in demand today and can be potentially lucrative. Yes, please!