15 Apr 2024

Had mind-blowing sex but not sure if you orgasmed? Here are five noticeable signs that point to yes!

Even when we don’t climax, sex feels good. Sometimes, it feels SO good that we’re not 100% sure if we’ve cum or not. While men experience significant *ahem* deflating after the act, the signs for women are a lot more subtle. 

Never wonder again! Here are five signs that indicate that you have, indeed, orgasmed. Lucky you!

SIGN #1: You feel flushed and warm

You will probably start feeling your body temperature rise during the deed itself (hey, sex is a workout, okay!) but this increases when you’ve orgasmed. This is why you also have a post-sex glow. Your skin might also feel warm or hot to the touch.

SIGN #2: Your breathing changes

And your heart rate also speeds up. Your breathing becomes more shallow and rapid and, according to a 2008 study, our heart rate is at its highest at the point of climax and can take around 10 to 20 minutes to return to normal. 

SIGN #3: You get muscle spasms

Have you ever experienced weird spasms before, during and after orgasm? This is very common and, for women, contractions can be felt in the vagina which feels like pulsing sensations. You may also body feel shakey or trembly (but in a good way!). 

SIGN #4: You feel *extra* sensitive

Sometimes, after coming, the LAST thing we want is anyone or anything touching us down there. This is because our genitals can feel super sensitive. Some people can carry on and go for round two, while others might need to wait a few minutes.

SIGN #5: You feel content + relaxed

When we orgasm, our bodies release the cuddle chemical, oxytocin, as well as the feel-good hormone, dopamine. These can lower your stress levels, boost your mood, relax your mind and promote bonding and closeness. You may also feel a bit sleepy.