1 Apr 2024

Are you a people-pleaser? You’re not alone. But this habit can cause problems when it comes to relationships. Here are signs yours might be suffering. 

Being a people-pleaser comes naturally to women as we want those around us to be happy. But this bending over backwards for the approval of others can lead to issues not just with friends and family but also with the people you date.

Here are five signs that you might be giving into your people-pleasing tendencies and causing damage to your relationship. Because when you know better, you do better!

1. You’re not being authentic

Our partner should be someone we can be 100% ourselves around, without fear of judgement. If you find yourself trying to put on an act to pretend you are perfect or agreeing with and to things you don’t want to, you will start to feel less and less like yourself. 

2. You struggle with anxiety

We don’t mean in general, but specifically around your relationship. This is the persistent, nagging feeling that something must be wrong, whether it’s reality or not. This can lead you to walk on eggshells around bae to try and avoid any conflict and lead to an undercurrent of tension.

3. You hide your emotions

Do you find yourself putting on a brave face or forcing a smile rather than letting your partner know your true feelings? Bottling up your emotions isn’t sustainable and, eventually, you will explode, potentially leading to worse arguments than if you had addressed things when they occurred. 

4. You are too dependent 

Being a people-pleaser often goes hand-in-hand with also needing constant validation from your significant other. This can not only be frustrating but also lead to a very unhealthy dynamic where you can base your happiness and sense of self-worth on your partner’s approval of you. 

5. You neglect your self-care

The most important person in your life should be yourself and you should treat yourself accordingly. If you are always putting the wants and needs of your partner before your own, this can start to negatively affect your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Fill your cup first!