1 Apr 2024

Want to know how to get into sexting but you’re worried about feeling awkward? These tips will make it more simple (and more satisfying!).

Sexting is a great way to build up the tension between you and bae in the *best* way. But this style of flirtation doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Here’s how to master the art of sending sexy messages.

TIP #1: Get their consent first
With any sex-related activity, it’s crucial that both parties – them and you – consent before you start sending naughty messages.

TIP #2: Avoid too much, too soon
It can take a minute for everyone to get comfortable with sexting so don’t go overboard as this could make things weird. 

TIP #3: Establish your boundaries
And not just your boundaries but find out what the other person’s are, too. This way, everyone can feel both sexy AND safe. 

TIP #4: Consider your timing
While you might be in the mood for some dirty talk, consider that your texting buddy might not be in the right mood and respect it. 

TIP #5: Start with compliments
If you’re too shy to get too graphic, a great way to start sexting is to compliment them or tell them when and why you find them hot. 

TIP #6: Share your fantasies
This is the perfect opportunity to share with bae exactly what turns you on. Now they’ll know when you see each other again IRL!