26 Feb 2024

This powerful concept came to us from the brilliant mind of psychologist Carl Jung. He described the "shadow" as the parts of us we don't claim, the parts we don't even recognise – the things we do, say, and feel, without even understanding why.

Facing these hidden parts of ourselves is like stepping into our power.

1. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Shadow work helps you understand YOU. It helps you recognise what ticks you off and why. This self-discovery is a stepping stone to personal growth.

2. Healing and Wholeness: By shining a light on the parts of ourselves we usually ignore, we can start to heal. We can begin to accept all parts of ourselves, and that's a powerful thing.

3. Kicking Fear and Shame to the Curb: Lots of us fear what we might find if we dig too deep. But most of the time, it's not as bad as we think. Shadow work can help us face and overcome that fear and shame.

4. Boosting Creativity and Spirituality: When we face and integrate our shadow self, we can tap into our creativity and spirituality in a whole new way. Our shadow isn't just about the things we don't want to see; it's also about our instincts, reactions, insights, and creative impulses.

5. Upgrading Relationships: Understanding and accepting our shadow self can help us improve our relationships. When we understand our triggers, we can interact with others in a more compassionate and understanding way.